CAMBRIDGE University Press Ref. 9781009416443
    Trainers are the perfect accompaniment to Cambridge exam preparation. In addition to six comprehensive mock exams, they offer easy-to-use guidance and exam advice designed to get you the best results. The first two exams are fully guided, with step-by-step advice on how to approach them Including ad...
    Peso: 530 gr
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    38,90 €
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    • ISBN / EAN : 978-1-00-941644-3
    • Data d'edició : 01/04/2024
    • Any d'edició : 2024
    • Idioma : Español, Castellano
    • Número de pàgines : 208
    Trainers are the perfect accompaniment to Cambridge exam preparation. In addition to six comprehensive mock exams, they offer easy-to-use guidance and exam advice designed to get you the best results. The first two exams are fully guided, with step-by-step advice on how to approach them Including additional practical activities, based on real exams, they focus on areas where students often require special reinforcement. Two collections of the B2 First for Schools Trainers are available for 2024, with the most recent, B2 First for Schools Trainer 3, due to be published later this year. Each collection offers six test exams for the exam, combined with an easy guide to follow and tips for the exam. The first two exams are fully guided, including tips on how to approach each part of the exam. Added to this are additional practical activities, based on the Cambridge Learner Corpus, which focus on the areas where students typically need the most help. There is a version 'without answers' and another 'with answers'. Both include an access code to the audio and the book in digital version on Cambridge One. The 'with answers' version also includes teacher's notes and additional resources.

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